Thursday, December 6, 2012

Shepard Fairey Design

These are both designs by Shepard Fairey. He is a graphic design artist. The first photo represents the style of much of his early work. The second photo is his most famous design, the Obama 2008 presidential campaign poster. This is more representative of his newer designs.

Mood In Lines

This is a poster that I have on my wall in my room. This poster has lines that convey mood. The curvy and flowing lines suggest movement, like waves. Also, because they are smooth and curving, it conveys a calming and serene mood. 

Monday, November 5, 2012


The color that I chose was gray. The picture above is of Queen Elizabeth I. The color originated in the Elizabethan era. Cheap dyes were used to produce the color, but the meaning behind it was very important. The color people war during the Elizabethan era was dictated by the law. The colors they wore depicted different aspects of their lives. The color gray was used for Christian symbolism.  Gray meant mourning and repentance. Gray also had a biblical meaning because it was the color of lent and therefore represented fasting and prayer. The color gray has had many different meanings through different time periods and cultures. One meaning is that it is peaceful, because it usually is quietly in the background. Native Americans associate the color gray with friendship. However, some people even interpret gray as sad or depressing. This idea originates from the weather because when it is gray outside, people tend to think of it as dreary or gloomy. 


Both of these are pictures of my roommate's posters on our wall. The first one is a poster from the movie Tangled. It is an example of psychic lines. Neither of the people on the poster are looking forward. The guy is looking down at the girl, and the girl is looking up at the guy. This creates a psychic line between them. Their body language also creates a psychic line. Even though the girl is turned away from the guy, her elbow is pointing toward him creating a psychic line. The second poster is an example of implied line. The guy in the center of the poster is pointing upward. This creates an implied line with his arm and finger and make you want to know what he is pointing at. 

Tree Leaf

These are the leaves of a Yoshino Cherry tree which I am using for my trashcan design.


This trashcan is unlike most trashcans. It had a lot of thought that went into the design of it. It has a mosaic design on it. Small colorful tiles are arranged on the sides of the trashcan to create a picture of a bird. It makes the area where the trashcan is places look more presentable and friendly. 

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Nature Quote

"Look deep into nature, and then you will understand everything better."  ~Albert Einstein

I really liked this nature quote by Einstein. I think there is a lot of truth to this statement. Many times we just do not understand certain things about the earth and how it works. However, if you just spend time looking at nature and being in it, things somehow just seem to make more sense. You begin to feel at one with nature.